Ray Griffin

Licensing: 11692060-SA00
Ray Griffin

Licensing: 11692060-SA00

Ray is one of Prime Real Estate Experts’ top agents. He comes to the brokerage with a strong background in sales and marketing, including 9 years in the technical staffing and consulting industry where he was a top producer year over year. Ray is a Veteran and currently serving Army Reservist where he is assigned as the Reserve Affairs NCOIC and Command Combatives Instructor for Special Operations Command Korea. A decorated Soldier and veteran of Operation New Dawn/Operation Iraqi Freedom, Ray has been serving for over 12 years and currently holds the rank of Staff Sergeant. He is also a graduate of the Army Airborne school, a Level 3 Army Combatives instructor and when fulfilling his monthly training obligations he can usually be found at Camp Williams training with the 19th Special Forces Group at the weapons range, teaching a combatives course or improving his medical skills. Ray is a distinguished honor graduate of his Advanced Individual Training school in Army personnel, an honor graduate of the Army combatives Level III school and a Commandant’s List graduate of the Army Postal Operations School and Advanced Leader Course. When in Korea for his yearly training, Ray can be found on the training mat running hand-to-hand defense classes as well as in the Personnel section teaching and mentoring junior enlisted Soldiers in their daily tasks and processes. Outside of the Army, Ray continues to lead and teach others by running a training group called Griffin Tactical as well as running his Brazilian Jiu Jitsu school, Griffin Academy. As he is a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu black belt his specialty is teaching women’s self-defense courses, law enforcement combatives and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu classes. Coupled with his military, NRA and other training and personal development, Ray also teaches courses in situational awareness, Real Estate Agent Safety, Safe International Travel, Every Day Carry Kit building and use, emergency preparedness and much more. Ray has an MBA from the University of Phoenix.

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